When You Need to Hire Tech Staff, What Options Do You Have?

Does your business need to hire tech staff? The reality is today, a lot of talented technical employees are already working in high-paying jobs. Even if they aren’t already working, technical candidates have plenty of job options so it’s not always easy to recruit tech workers when you need them. A recent CIO Survey revealed that 65 percent of technology leaders say that hiring challenges are so profound that they're hurting the industry.

When looking for new employees with the right technical skills, you don’t have to take a traditional approach to hiring. Because finding skilled IT workers is more challenging than it is to hire other professionals, you may want to use a specialized IT staffing agency like Network CPR. Here’s a look at why.

Why Traditional Recruitment May Not Work

There’s a growing tech talent gap today. Companies need workers who know how to code to help develop websites, software, and business apps, but they also need IT experts who have a cybersecurity background. Other high-demand IT jobs include project managers and data scientists.

With traditional recruiting, your business could post job offers and availability on job boards. The problem with this approach is you’re competing with so many other employers, including big names in a variety of industries from health care to cloud storage, as well as the federal government. This makes it hard to stand out if you’re a small to medium-sized business.

Another traditional option is to use a recruitment agency. The problem with this is, most staffing agencies don’t have access to trained IT workers around the country. This can leave you with open roles for long periods of time, which can cost your business a lot of money or missed opportunities.

Taking a Different Approach to Find Skilled IT Workers

Because finding tech staff is challenging, a lot of organizations are getting creative in order to attract talent. For example, a lot of employers are using social media to reach out to potential candidates and to let IT specialists know that they're hiring.

Other companies are offering high salaries or more benefits to attract skilled talent. This can be a great way to hire the tech staff you need if you can afford the higher labor costs.

Another approach is to offer flexible hours and remote working options. You may be able to also hire contractors to work on specific projects rather than hiring full-time workers.

At Network CPR, we take a unique approach, tapping into the work ethic, determination, and experience of our nation’s veterans. We use an innovative screening, mentoring, and training program to help the military veterans we work with develop the skills they need to succeed in a variety of technical roles.

Then, when our clients reach out to us, we can connect the right employers with the perfect candidates. Because we take over the training and the recruitment, we know our IT experts are ready to thrive in their professional roles, which offers peace of mind to the employers we work with.

If you need to hire tech staff and aren't able to compete with the country's major employers, reach out to the team at Network CPR today.
